Friday, November 23, 2007

Cause That's How We Roll In The Shire.

Crunch time.

Crop's headed our way.

Crazy week ahead.

Let's do some random facts, k?

1. My husband's favorite band is KISS. You heard me. Twenty-seven year old African American man. His favorite band is KISS. He can quote facts, is literally a card-carrying KISS Army member, and you should just SEE the memorabilia.

2. If I went back to college today, I would major in World Religions and minor in African American studies. Weird, huh?

3. The first time I ever took my husband camping, a tornado came through and blew our tent into the lake beside the campground. That was funny.

4. The second time I ever took my husband camping, it was 49 degrees in the middle of July and we were in a canoe. And it rained. It rained so much that there was an inch and a half of water on the floor of our tent. We went home. That sucked.

5. I'm afraid it might be more about the chase, and less about the "attaining."

6. I wish I was a character in this book. Specifically, the title character.

7. On Thanksgiving, my dad came to pick Shelby up from my house. I took Zion upstairs under the premise of "taking a nap" because I didn't want to introduce them. It's been over a year since he's seen Zion, and I'm hugely bitter about it.

Seven's a good number.


dani j. said...

7 is a VERY good number.

a tornado took your tent?? that would put me in a crazy home it would probably scare me so bad.

I love your majors - very interesting subjects.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I'm thinking you two shouldn't be camping anymore! Although after the tornado incident, there wouldn't have been a second story for me. :)

Micki said...

You know my affection for the number 7.