Sunday, August 05, 2007

Seems Like a Thousand Miles Away..

I got a myspace message from an old friend yesterday that she's getting married! She wanted my address and the only way she could find me was through MySpace, which I think is funny, cause I'm just not a big fan of MySpace, but people keep popping up...

So she's getting married, which is awesome, and I'm totally happy for her, and I'm reading a blog entry she just posted, and here's what it says:

MY Girl

I haven't wrote one of these in a long long time so here is a new blog.

I have a hole in my heart (and have) for a long time for a friend that I miss horribly.

Everytime I have a little time to myself I end up thinking about it and it makes me sooo sad. I miss you girl!
- Fairy Lamps.
- Your neat stuff -I was never neat enough to know anything about.
- Antique shopping.
- Cooking.
- You always knowing every direction in the whole world when I would call and be lost crying in the middle of the city.
- Road Trips.
- Artsy stuff.
- You let me drive your new jeep to work the day after you got it because my car was broken.

I MISS YOU! I need you in my life!

So I'm just sitting here crying like a big silly baby, because, yes, she's talking about me, and I miss her too. ;) AND SHE JUST LIVES IN NORTH KANSAS CITY! Duh.

ETA: And check out this dress! This is her wedding dress! How freaking cool is this?!?

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Unknown said...

you never owned a jeep!!!!!!!!!!

Sara said...

Thanks for pointing that out, my purist "friend." I owned a Tracker that I loved very dearly, and it wanted badly to be a Jeep.. it took quite a few beatings, too. :P