Sunday, August 05, 2007


You know, it seems like life these days either hands me eight million really cool things in a rown, or eight million really crappy things in a row.

Today, we're on a good roll.

I found Silje on 2peas the other day and fell in love with her gallery. Not even knowing who she was, I peamailed her and asked her to do some designs for our upcoming kits.. and she agreed, which was cool.

Then I did a little looking around and found out she's all OVER the freakin' place! Elsie's got her featured on her blog, the Red Velvet girls are all digging her stuff, and she's pretty much taken the scrapbooking world by storm (and the tattoo world too, apparently - I haven't told my husband yet, but he's seriously gonna flip).

Not to mention, here I was checking out her (norwegian?) journaling and thinking I was gonna hafta spend a small fortune shipping kits to her overseas - and she LIVES RIGHT HERE IN KANSAS CITY.

Holy scrap, indeed.

Way excited to be working with her. Way, way, way excited. Stay tuned.. :)

1 comment:

Silje Røe Hagland said...

holy Scrap- haha i love that!
..i have "holy crap" tattooed on my arm, i might have to change it now :p
Im excited about meeting you tomorrow! :D im gonna lurk the rest of your blog!