Monday, August 13, 2007

Decision Time.

What do you do when you are thrust suddenly into the unenviable position of being the sole bread winner in your household?

Because that's where I am right now. Sole bread winner.

I love my husband because he's tattooed and dread loc'd. I love his simplicity - that he would rather stay home and play his guitar than do anything else in the world. I love that he cleans the house, and that he plays with Zion, and that he's a fantastic father. I love all of these things.

What I don't love is the idea that we may not have electricity for the month of September.

Ok, so it's not that bad - yet.

But as disorganized as I may be, I'm always thinking, and right now what I'm thinking is that the roof is about to cave in if I don't do something quickly.

So I'm putting in job applications. For me.

You heard me. I'm considering giving up my cushy gig at Unity for a "real" job.

Why the HELL would I want to do that?

So glad you asked.

I am infinitely more qualified to do stuff than Mike is. I'm not bragging - it's just the way it is. When you can type 90 words a minute, there's a whole lot of stuff you can do. Add to that about 10 years of secretarial experience, and it makes you pretty darned hireable.

I'm a little panicky today. Ok, I'm a LOT panicky today. I don't want a real job. I don't want to have to get dressed in something other than jeans or sweats and talk to people face to face and do real work when someone tells me to - I'm just lazy like that. Yes, I can make a lot more money doing it, but I don't want to.

Am I even employable? After four years in that environment, do I even have a prayer's chance in hell of survival?

We're about to find out, huh?


Anonymous said...

Yes, you do have a snowball's chance! I'm betting the new job won't let you scrapbook though. Hopefully something awesome will turn up for Mike before it comes to that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Uhh.. I am not to be called upon to go back to Unity. I moved away, you never heard of me.

Change is scary. But change is also good.