Friday, June 29, 2007

This Message Brought to You.. the folks at:

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Because seriously? I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for them.

Tonight is kit night. Putting kits together. It figures that my trims order didn't come today, but we won't even go there.

Tomorrow - praise the lord above - I'm going to crop. I, Sara Nichole Reno Mabin, am going to CROP. At a CROP. Granted, it's a Serendipity crop, but I'm still cropping, dammit. And I'm looking forward to it, even WITH a complete lack of sleep.

Sunday I put the finishing touches on next month's kit - "A Midsummer Night's Dream." I love this kit. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm totally biased, but I do. It's all things shimmery, summery, graceful, and - of course - fantasy.

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I dig this kit. I'm excited about playing with it some more. ;)

Happy weekend everyone! (18 days..)

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