Monday, June 25, 2007

Some Thoughts..

...before I leave blog-land for the week (cause you know I'm gonna - let's face it - I just never have time to blog while I'm at home).

~ There is something so graceful about being a mom. I know that by the end of the day we usually end up with hair going in ten different directions, mis-matched socks, and covered in macaroni and cheese, but we have the coolest job. On the weekends, when I try to sleep during the day, Zion spends the entire day figuring out creative ways to sneak into the bedroom just to lay beside me. That's how I wake up - with him next to me saying, "Mommy, open eyes, please." Mike generally wanders in about 45 seconds later apologizing - "I'm sorry, baby, I only turned around for a minute." But seriously? I couldn't think of a better way to wake up.

~ I bought a book a few weeks ago. It's called, "The Mother's Guide to Self-Renewal." It's about finding balance in your life, slowing down, spending more time on the important stuff and not sweating the unimportant stuff. I haven't even cracked it open.

~ I'm feeling overly nostalgic these days. I get teary about everything at the drop of a hat. I found my beautiful card that Mike got me for Valentine's Day while cleaning last week, and I cried and cried.. he said, "We're a wonderful little family aren't we? Baby, you rock. I've loved you since the first time I saw you.."

~ Last Thursday, Vicki came over and scrapped with me. We worked on some circle journal stuff, and we drank margaritas, and we had chips and queso, and then we watched "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." It was awesome. We haven't done that in over a year. Totally, totally fun.

~ I'm tapped. It's 5:12am. I get to leave in 45 minutes. I'm gonna start packing the craft store that I keep in the closet here, and maybe - just maybe - I'll be able to leave on time. Hope everyone has a good week. ;)

1 comment:

Vera said...

Sara, I'm so glad that you enjoy motherhood! For being thrown into it without your consent :) you seem to have slipped right into the role, and don't resent it, but embrace it.
Good job!