Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Some Cool Stuff

~ Yesterday we had our first potty training experience. Didn't go as well as I would have liked.. he sat on the potty chair for a really long time, and then went potty, but it kind of "shot up" and landed on the carpet in front of the potty chair (you moms of little boys know what I'm talking about..). We clapped and cheered and he was very proud of himself, though. I'm hoping next time goes a little better.

~ I taught my first class at Captured Memories on Sunday and it went really well. I even sold a packet to a lady who wandered in to shop.. I'm seriously enjoying working there.

~ My dad and his new girlfriend ("Sheila") are coming over to have Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I haven't seen him in over a year (we had a bit of a falling-out). Totally excited.. I'm off to buy ham and potatoes and pumpkin stuffs. I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

~ My MIL stole the explosion box that I made for my FIL. He called Mike and begged for a new one.. so I got some paper my MIL would like and I'm going to sit down tonight after dinner and make one for her.

~ Got to hang out in bed this morning with Zion and Mike.. I love those mornings. We played, watched cartoons, giggled. It was awesome.

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