Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Should I Be Concerned?

My husband has made fun of me for over a year for having this blog. He detests "technology" in general (ironic when you consider his computer programming degree, yes?). He thinks blogs, facebook, and myspace are ridiculous.

Yesterday he spent 30 minutes on my computer. Strange?


"What are you doing," I asked.

"Posting on my myspace page," he replied.


"My myspace page."

He grinned.

"When the hell did you get a myspace page?!?"

"A few days ago..."

There are no pictures of his wife on his myspace page.

I mentioned this to him.

He said...

"That's because it's 'my space.'"


phinner said...

Hi Sara!

Does he get credit for "husband of one?" : .)


- Phinner

mom2ts said...

Hi Sara!
Thats cute!!! I like phinner's comment "husband of one" Ha Ha
I did not know my DH had a myspace until I decided to do a search. "Oh Yeah! I got one a few months ago!" I did not know!