Saturday, October 13, 2007

Good Ol' Fashioned Irish Candy.

Alright, boring post ahead..

I seriously feel obligated to put this here. I mean, really, this is a dumb thing to blog about, but I'm compelled.

If you've been reading this blog at all, you know about my recent obsession with The Black Donnelly's. And, if you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know about my Buffy/Angel obsession.

So typically a show has to have one of two elements for me to appreciate it - either a., it needs to be a crime drama, or b., it has to have something supernatural (dragons, ghosts, psychics - whatever). It's a rare, rare occasion that I get attached to anything else.

This show really took me by surprise, ok? I mean REALLY took me by surprise, and the really stupid thing is that I never even watched a single episode until AFTER it was cancelled. Duh, Sara.

It's about the IRISH MAFIA. Did anyone know there was an Irish mafia? I didn't. The IRA, yes, but here in America? An Irish mafia? Hello creamy goodness.

So the show's about four brothers (the Donnelly's, in case you don't watch much television and didn't infer that from the title) that live in New York, and their fight with the Italians to keep control of their turf - well, sort of. It's way more complex than that. But they didn't get a chance to explore all of the complexities because they cancelled the damned show.

See? Boring post, I know. My bad.

The point is, this show had EVERYTHING I ever needed. Three of these brothers are hot enough to make me sweat (the fourth, not so much). Just enough violence - not so much that it isn't watchable during dinner. That really cool slow-mo "Reservoir Dogs" walk. An awesome soundtrack. Did I mention the eye candy? Oh yeah - that's right. The sweating thing. Leeeeetle bit of romance, but not enough to tick off your anti-romance husband (that is, if he's anything like mine).

And no unicorns in sight. Seriously.

I love this show.

So, in case you're not completely bored now, the clip below is some of the best five minutes in the history of television, in my own personal opinion. Great, great song, great action, great build-up - it's just good. All around good. Check it out.

Snow Patrol - Open your Eyes (The Black Donnellys)

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