Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The Paper Pixie site is having technical difficulties that are REALLY starting to piss me off. Yeah, yeah, it was cute last week - now I'm sick of it.

The handsome and talented Justin Wright is, however, on the case. I hope. Well, he probably isn't on the case at 2:36 in the morning. But I have EVERY amount of faith that he will be on the case in a few hours. I hope.

Anyway, I digress.

There are dishes to be washed, laundry to be done, kitties to be spending time with, television shows to catch up, floors to vaccum, and I have decided to blow all of these things off and ramble here about nothing.

I'm on a Dido kick again. Remember Dido? The tea spilled song? Well, that was not my favorite of the Dido songs, but it wasn't bad (cept for the collaborating with Eminem and the extreme over-playing). This, however, was one of my favorites. I used to listen to it with my headphones on at absolute top volume, and I swear, that song filled my entire body. Well, probably with the vibrations from those itty bitty speakers inside my ears, but it felt like it was coursing through my veins. For real. (What did you say, honey?)

This one also is good. Very good.

I would like to be scrapping right now, but alas, the scrappy-ness was left at work this week. No scrappy for Sara.

I would also like to be doing unmentionable things to my husband, but he has to be up for work in 2 hours, so I think I'll let him sleep.

There's the dilemma. In a nutshell. I'm sitting on the couch, watching the kitty lick herself in places men can only dream of being able to reach on their own.


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