Saturday, August 25, 2007

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

You know, we live in the city. I'm not talking suburban mini-vans here - we live in the city. There's the occasional drug bust, car chases, hostage situations.. we absolutely live nowhere even remotely close to the country.

I just don't get this. We had a nest of bats in our attic at the beginning of the summer. Creepiest thing ever - you could hear them scratching on the attic fan all night long. If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you probably remember the potty training incident that ended in the death of a bat.

Wednesday evening, we had a guest for dinner. I was wondering why we were going through cat food at light speed, and now I know. This little guy has apparently been residing in our basement and making his way up the stairs, through the kitchen, into the laundry room and ON TOP OF THE DRYER where we keep the cat food. He has also somehow managed to get past all three cats and the pitt bull that resides in our house. They're excellent watch-cats & dog.

In case you're wondering, that is my cat, THOR, on the left. Thor does NOT come anywhere near living up to his namesake (the Norse god of thunder and war), and he apparently doesn't mind sharing his dinner with the less-domesticated members of the animal kingdom, because this little "prelude to a kiss" took place AFTER the overgrown rat had emptied the food dish.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Did you scream! I would have so lost it!

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard, I'm crying!!!

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you took a picture of it!! I would have been screaming and grabbing the broom or shovel!

Silje Røe Hagland said...

HAHAH, what a great picture! And I love your cats name ;)

We found a possum in our basement a while back,..but It was the dead kind. Gross!

Vicki Chrisman said...

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? How in the world were you calm enough to take a picture????? I would have LOST IT!!!