Sunday, July 08, 2007

Zielske Inspired: Expect Less.

I try to keep my blog separate from Serendipity Scraps stuff. That's what the forum's for, right? You address things that should be addressed on the forum, and my blog is my personal soapbox.

But let's face it: Serendipity Scraps *is* my personal life these days. I do very little else. Playdates even become Serendipitous occasions because I lug orders with me, or I take orders, or people pay me, or we end up talking about the forum or orders or - well you get what I'm saying here. It's all about Serendipity Scraps.

There have been a lot of changes at Serendipity Scraps in the last few months, and I haven't really addressed most of them. Some of the people who have been with us from the beginning are gone now - design team members have parted ways, and new ones have come into the fold; forum members have moved along, etc.

I also shifted the focus of Serendipity Scraps in terms of the products we're offering. We now specialize in paper crafting kits - something I've wanted to do for a very, very long time.

But, alas, I'm Catholic, and I tend to feel guilty about everything I do. Am I letting my customers down? The guilt comes through very clearly in my dreams - I've become a pro at deciphering the messages my sub-conscious sends me. After yet another day of dream-infused restless "sleep," I came to work this evening feeling very unsettled.

I sat down with my computer and my coffee and decided to peruse some blogs (something I just don't get to do very often anymore), and came across Cathy Zielske's post from the 4th.

I have this new-found hero-worship for this woman. She sat down on her holiday and announced to the world that she just didn't give a flying fart WHAT they expected of her - and in fact, they should expect less, because she wasn't rising to the occasion.

Just the idea - the entire concept - seems to liberating! "Expect less."

I'm so there.


Vera said...

You are not letting any customers down, we are a happy group of serendipity scrappy followers

Anonymous said...

Flying Farts! Heehee! That makes me laugh, you know because "Farts are Funny!" Heeheeheeheeheehee!~