Saturday, June 16, 2007


Ever have one of those weeks where you just can't find the time to sit down? I'm having one of those years. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but I feel like I'm supposed to be supplying reasons for not blogging.

First, I have received more emails from you guys with well-wishes, thoughts and suggestions for Mike - THANK YOU. You have no idea how much that means to me (Mike, too, but he thinks that blogs are dumb, so he has a hard time admitting that good things can come from this..).

In case you're wondering, he had a job interview Friday that *he* thinks went well. He has a follow-up on Monday, and hopefully we'll know something next week. That whole "final paycheck" thing scared the crap out of me Friday, but we'll muddle through it. Hey, he's cleaning the house. Am I complaining? Heck no.

Second, Zion has been running around the house screaming, "SHE TOLD ME TO - PARTY LIKE A ROCK, PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR.." all week long. It was cute the first 500 times. Now I hate that song.

Third, the kit debuted Friday. HOLY FREAKIN' COW. We were sitting on the couch. Mike was on one side of me, Zion on the other. Zion learned how to say, "Hello, my name is Zi-non" this week, and he wanted to call Ol'ma and Papa and tell them, so while I was posting the pics on the forum, I dialed them up, told them he wanted to talk to them and handed him the phone.

Posted the pictures in the store, and within SECONDS - and I am not making this up - Mike and I watched my email go "DING! DING! DING! DING!" with SEVEN ORDERS.

SEVEN. The kit hadn't been up 30 seconds! Ok, now I know I'm a big exaggerator, right? 30 FREAKIN' SECONDS! It was CRAZY. My poor grandfather ended up talking to Zion for like five minutes because Mike and I were so excited we FORGOT HE WAS ON THE PHONE! Poor grandpa.

So, the orders are still coming in, we're about to sell out of the kits, I am ELATED - not even because they're selling, but because there is something so amazingly gratifying in knowing that you put together a product that people want. Wanna see a picture?

Ok.. since you asked so darned nicely..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

There are 7 Dream Street papers that wouldn't fit in the picture with everything else.. craziness. Not the greatest pic either, but it's the one I have handy.

And finally. If you DON'T immediately turn the volume off when you come to my blog, you will have realized that I'm in a country mood lately. What's up with that? I DON'T KNOW. I don't even LIKE country music, unless it's old. Not a Tim McGraw fan, or Rascall Flats or any of the other new bands you hear about, but give me some Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennigs, Kris Kristofferson, or Willie Nelson and I'm happy.

So, just because I'm in a mood, here's some Willie. (BTW - the 2 cd's I took to the hospital with me when I had Zion were 311's Greatest hits and Willie Nelson's Greatest Hits.. can you imagine coming into the world to that?!?)

This one is my all-time favorite Willie Nelson song EVER in the whole wide world, and he just happens to be singing it with BOB DYLAN of all people. (Yep - he rocks my world too) - "Poncho & Lefty"

With RAY CHARLES singing "Seven Spanish Angels." (this song makes me gooey with happiness)

"You Were Always on my Mind" - mostly because of the movie "Practical Magic", but hey, it's a classic. Awesomely beautiful song.

Some of my other favorites.. "Angel Flying too Close to the Ground," "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys," "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain," and "City of New Orleans."

Off to make stuff, now. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is the coolest, bestest kit I've ever seen! I can't wait to get mine in my hands. I might even have to smell the paper!

I find the older I am getting, the more country music I am liking. I love that song Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys!