Sunday, February 11, 2007

I Am Tired of Defending People

And I am tired of drunk people. They tell the same stories over and over and over again, and INSIST on them, as if you were arguing with them. I'm sick of belligerence. If you have a reason to be belligerent, fine, argue until you're blue in the face. If I'm not arguing with you, don't tell me over and over again that you're right.

And I am tired of people insisting on giving opinions about things that they know NOTHING about. Have you been in this person's position? Have you even met the person you're referring to? Then stop talking about them.

I am tired of people complaining about things that happened years, if not decades, ago.

I am tired of people not understanding that it's ok to change. Everyone changes. It happens every single day. The situations we are placed in, or place ourselves in, cause us to adjust and evolve.

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