What you are looking at is our BRAND-SPANKIN'-NEW LIVING ROOM SET! Hoohaw! We picked it out today and they're delivering it on THURSDAY, which means I have less than a week to get my house in order and ready for it.
WE ARE SO FREAKIN' EXCITED. We've wanted new furniture for YEARS. We've never gotten new furniture. Everything we have was someone else's first - and don't get me wrong, we're not picky in the slightest. Seriously. We're the most grateful people you'll ever meet. We have an AWESOME king-sized waterbed, thanks to Dana. We have a dining room table because my father-in-law rocks. The list goes on.. but this - well, this is exciting.
I'm sure that I'm boring you to death with my tale of woe, here, but when you've had FUTONS for the last three and a half years, a real honest-to-goodness couch is a huge deal.
That's how excited I am. I'm actually going to clean my house and make it presentable enough for a dinner party.
Hell yes.
PS - I have no idea who that lady is in the background, but I have a sneaking suspicion she was trying to steal our couch. THAT'S how cool it was.
looks great Sara! We have that micro fiber stuff and it rocks!
I understand Sara. We had a hodge-podge of hand-me-downs too. Last August, we bought our first sofa and I just wanted to sit on the yucky old loveseat across the room and stare at it!
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