Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Gingerbread House

So, Shelby's birthday was yesterday, and it sucked. Her friends stood her up.. it was a bummer day. My mom pulled her out of school today and she came to our house to do Christmas stuff. First on the agenda - gingerbread houses.

Zion thoroughly enjoyed it - he employed a "one for me, one for the house" policy throughout the decorating process. No naps for us today.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now we're off to buy a Christmas tree. I'm sure Zion will be helping with that as well (at least he can't eat it, right?).


Vera said...

looks like fun! we are doing gingerbread houses on monday! I thought Shelby was homeschooled? Too bad she had a crappy birthday, hope she had fun making the houses!

Heather said...

Just because he shouldn't eat the Christmas tree does not mean he won't try! ;) How amazing is Mike? He can be Vanna and Martha all in the same week! You lucky girl!

Micki said...

Don't be too sure that he can't eat it......

Annette said...

Cute pictures of the gingerbread creation! Tell Shelby HB from us!