Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blog Challenge

Ok, you guys know how this works.. I'll post it, if ya feel like taking it yourself, I hope to see it on your blog. ;)

1. List 5 hobbies that sound fun, besides scrapbooking:
Dollhouse/miniature making; ceramics (which I LOVE); knitting; pottery (which I also love); and mosaics.

2. List 5 classes that sound fun:
Ranger Gypsy at The Paperie Place; pretty much ALL of Elsie's classes; belly dancing; Yoga; and Pilates.

3. List 5 things you personally would never do that sound fun:
ok, I seriously don't think that there's anything I *wouldn't* do if it sounded fun..

4. List 5 skills that would be fun to have:
screen printer; graphic designer; welder; carpenter; and police sketch artist (yeah, that last one was kinda strange..)

5. List 5 things you used to enjoy doing:
reading (no time); antiquing (have you ever tried to take a 2-year-old to an antique store?); home decorating (I'm lucky if the house is presentable at all); watching live local bands perform (again with the two-year-old); having dinner parties (the house situation puts a damper on that).

6. List 5 silly things you'd like to try once:
skinny dipping in the ocean (done it in a lake, not an ocean); freeing the lobsters from the tank at the grocery store (FREEDOM!); wandering into a fancy restaurant dressed as a member of the waitstaff, taking several orders, and then leaving; hanging out with the monkeys at the zoo (as in, inside the cage); dancing naked under a full moon.


Annette said...

Love the dancing under the moon, although the picture....uh....I'm embarrassed now.... Poor Zion, you are gonna give him a guilt complex! :-) Not really, he can't read anyway.

I wanna belly dance too! Funny! I waited to read yours until after I answered them myself, but I went back and added belly dancing.

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of setting the lobsters free at the grocery store. That sounds like fun. :)