Friday, November 17, 2006

Big Stuff Coming..

The church just got a $2500 grant to use for the daycare program, so it's entirely possible that I may still be able to get it off the ground. We've gotten calls from students at neighboring schools that are looking for afternoon care, but we can't provide them with transportation, so I've been approved to purchase a van.


And... (drumroll please) for those of you who are interested, and who have been waiting, we, Serendipity Scraps, (formerly Silver Solstice Designs) have now scheduled our first event. Desperate Housewives crop, baby. Manicurist, massage therapist, fabulous food, fantastic make and takes, giveaways, door prizes, SIXTEEN HOURS OF NON-STOP CROPPING, child care provided, specialty merchandise that ya JUST CAN'T GET ANYWHERE ELSE (well, ok, not anywhere CLOSE), classes..

I have to stop now, I'm out of breath. I am so flippin' excited about this. I can't even tell you. We have a Stampin' Up representative who will be there to take orders. We have a HUGE space rented - 2 croppers per table, and ladies, these are the BANQUET-SIZED tables. Are you a personal-bubble-person (I am)? No worries.. we have PLENTY of space for your elbows.

Did I mention how excited I am? If you are signed up for our email list, you'll be receiving some detailed information very soon. We plan to have our website up and running by the end of next week, and our class samples and make and takes will be viewable.

Moving fast, moving fast. It's a good fast, though. No, I'm not overwhelmed, cause I know you guys are worried. I have a fantastic partner in this venture, and I'm excited about working with her. She's uber-organized, totally thorough, and I swear, she's ready to take on anything.

I can't wait to share more with you.. if you haven't been added to our email list and want to be, please email me at Newsletter goes out next week!


Vera said...

very exciting!

Heather said...

Thank you for the kind words! I too am sooooooo excited I can;t stand it! Those of you who are reading this... stay tuned for some incredible FUN!

Micki said...

Glad to hear good news about the church! I now have visions of you driving around town like "Auto" from the Simpsons. LOL

What is Serendipity Scraps? Sounds interesting! I hope it does very well for you!